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提防網絡釣魚騙案 (4).png

Dear valued customer

Riverchain would like to alert customers and partners to phishing messages and fraudulent websites which are intended to steal personal information and funds.

Received a message, call or email claiming to be Riverchain? Be vigilant and avoid being deceived


Scammers may pretend to be Riverchain, lure you to click on fraudulent links or scan suspicious QR codes, and ask you to provide personal or sensitive information. You should always be vigilant to avoid falling into scams. Carefully protect your account information (such as login name, password or one-time password, etc.) and other sensitive information to prevent criminals from stealing this information and causing you to suffer losses.


If you receive a message claiming to be from Riverchain, please consider carefully:


  • Does the message contain suspicious links or QR codes?

  • Does the message ask you to provide sensitive information, such as account login information?

  • Does the message ask you to take unusual action, such as making a transfer or providing a one-time password?

Riverchain would never ask you for your account password.

If the answer to any of these is "yes", please be sure to take precautions and protect yourself:


  • Never open email, SMS, website links or scan QR codes from unknown sources

  • Never respond or disclose sensitive information unless you are familiar with the recipient and the use of the information

  • Never download any attachments unless you know the content and source of the information

Soft reminder: please carefully check the spelling of the website address and if website is encrypted and trustworthy (i.e. the URL starts with https://, not http://).

Reach out to us if you have any questions

Riverchain would never ask you for your account password. If you suspect that you have encountered a scam, or if you have received similar messages, please contact us immediately to prevent losses. If you need assistance, you can contact your Riverchain business representative or call the customer service hotline: +852 5999 7185

© 2024 by River Square Company Limited

River Square Company Limited is not regulated as a money-lending business. Our services are not intended to be, and should not be construed as, a substitute for traditional lending or financial institution services. For full terms and conditions, please click here.

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